
The journey begins..

Our adventurer has accepted the mission to scout out the mines. Months ago the mines were filled with feral mice, but hopefully they have moved on. They don't want you to risk your life, but ask that you bring them the best information possible before a warband is formed to mount an attack. They want to know what they are up against. The council has offered 450p but can be persuaded to give more depending on the danger encountered and work accomplished.


Within the last few years, mining operations stopped due to an overwhelming number of feral mice moving in, while The Guard was busy defending against a locust invasion elsewhere. The mine was abandoned, and is now hosting new inhabitants. Namely ground beetles and feral rats feeding on the underground insects. The mine was built out of an ant hill, cleared for mouse use. Surrounding the hill are mousemade structures, rooms for miners to live in and operations to operate out of. There is a minecart and rail system through the main tunnel. The top of the ant-hill has a lfit system with a rope descending into darkness.


There are several destroyed buildings, one or more dwellings for workers and a processing facility for the silver. An office still stands near the entrances.


Inside the office it looks as though someone left in a hurry. Drawers ripped out, some dusty papers strewn about, and knocked over furnature. A small chest, bolted to the floor under the desk is still here and locked. Contains 220p in a pouch. Key could be in a locker in the rubble for the living quarters or wherever GM deems fitting.


There are 3 main entrances, the hole at the top, a door leading to a supply room (not pictured) which leads to the same place as the third entrance, the minecart track.


Emphasize a horror atmosphere! It is dark and in any tunnels dug out by feral mice, cramped. Distant crunching or chittering can be heard echoing from the distance. The feral mice have red evil eyes with patchy torn fur.

Extra Mausritter Creatures

Fiz Williamsanson

A new member of The Guard, a young and adventurous archer. His family was killed during the battles at Stonberry, joined the guard and this is his first mission. He spent all his pips on a bow and arrows, light armor+shield, and carries a worn sword that he inherited.

Just before you find him, you see a few feral rats riddled with arrows. He has been holding them off for some time but he is now out of ammunition.

You can either fight the feral mice, making a WIL save when appropriate, destroy the supports holding up loose rocks, distract the ferals somehow, leave him behind, or come up with another way to get him out of there.

He is indebted to you, and though he has lost some confidence in his abilities alone, he is not shaken. He will join if wanted or leave if directed to.